Farr A. Curlin, MD addresses the relationship between religion and medicine and it’s impact on the decision-making process.

References and Resources
Curlin FA, Hall DE. Strangers or friends? A proposal for a new spirituality-in-medicine ethic. J Gen Intern Med. 2005 Apr;20(4):370-4.
Click Here to read the article.

Curlin FA, Lawrence RE, Chin MH, Lantos JD. Religion, conscience, and controversial clinical practices. N Engl J Med. 2007 Feb 8;356(6):593-600.
Click Here to view abstract.

Curlin FA, Lantos JD, Roach CJ, Sellergren SA, Chin MH. Religious characteristics of U.S. physicians: a national survey. J Gen Intern Med. 2005 Jul;20(7):629-34.
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