Craig R Sweet, MD, Reproductive, Endocrinology and Infertility Specialist, discusses the fate of frozen embryos. In the US alone there are 400,000-500,000 cryopreserved human embryos, some of which are used for research, some of which are abandoned, and proposes that if couples were paid for their embryos, this may facilitate donation of unused embryos to needy couples.

References and Resources
Mohler-Kuo M, Zellweger U, Duran A, Hohl MK, Gutzwiller F, Mutsch M. Attitudes of couples towards the destination of surplus embryos: results among couples with cryopreserved embryos in Switzerland. Hum Reprod. 2009 May 4

Cohen CB. Ethical and policy issues surrounding the donation of cryopreserved and fresh embryos for human embryonic stem cell research. Stem Cell Rev Rep. 2009 Jun;5(2):116-22

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