Steven G. Kelsen, MD, FACP, FCCP, Professor of Medicine, Microbiology, and Immunology, Temple University School of Medicine, discusses asthma treatment.

References and Resources
Fox H. Anti-IgE in severe persistent allergic asthma. Respirology. 2007 Nov;12.

Singh J, Kraft M. Anti-IgE and other antibody targets in asthma. Handb Exp Pharmacol. 2008;(181):257-88.

Stock P, Rolinck-Werninghaus C, Wahn U, Hamelmann E. The role of anti-IgE therapy in combination with allergen specific immunotherapy for seasonal allergic rhinitis. BioDrugs. 2007;21(6):403-10.

Related Videos on The Doctor’s Channel:
Asthma Diagnosis and Management
Asthma in the Elderly

Steven Kelsen Videos on The Doctor