Richard G. Pfau, MD, Dermatologist, Clinical Dermatology/Dermatopathology, Anne Anrundel Dermatology, Annapolis MD, discusses accutane.
References and Resources
Akman A, Durusoy C, Senturk M, Koc CK, Soyturk D, Alpsoy E. Treatment of acne with intermittent and conventional isotretinoin: a randomized, controlled multicenter study. Arch Dermatol Res. 2007 Dec;299(10):467-73.
Ferguson SA, Cisneros FJ, Hanig JP, Berry KJ. Oral treatment with ACCUTANE does not increase measures of anhedonia or depression in rats. Neurotoxicol Teratol. 2007 Nov-Dec;29(6):642-51.
Brasi? JR. Monitoring people treated with isotretinoin for depression. Psychol Rep. 2007 Jun;100(3 Pt 2):1312-4.
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