C. Robert Bernardino, MD, FACS, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, Director of Oculoplastics and Orbital Surgery, Yale University, discusses referral of patients with thyroid eye disease.

The three main criteria for referral to an ophthalmologist for thyroid eye disease are acute vision loss, stable thyroid eye disease but require surgical intervention or when thyroid eye disease is first diagnosed.

References and Resources
Sánchez-Ortiga R, Moreno-Pérez O, González Sánchez V, Arias Mendoza N, Mauri Dot M, Alfayate Guerra R, López Macia A, Picó Alfonso A. Treatment of Graves’ ophthalmopathy with high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone: a comparison of two dosing regimens. Endocrinol Nutr. 2009 Mar;56(3):118-22. Epub 2009 May 18.
Harrison AR, Lee MS, McLoon LK. Effects of Elevated Thyroid Hormone on Adult Rabbit Extraocular Muscles. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2009 Jul 23.

Related videos on The Doctor’s Channel:
Thyroid eye disease
Orbital decompression for thyroid eye disease

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Fees for non-CME Services Received Directly from a Commercial Interest or their Agents: Porex Surgical