Ian A Cook, MD, Director of Unipolar Depression Research, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, discusses new treatment options for depression, particularly deep brain stimulation and injectable treatment forms that can give symptom reduction over the course of days rather than weeks. Medications that work on glutamate or GABA are also being trialed.

Miller JP, Selman WR.Deep brain stimulation for depression.J Neurosurg. 2009 Dec;111(6):1207-8.
Bewernick BH, Hurlemann R, Matusch A, Kayser S, Grubert C, Hadrysiewicz B, Axmacher N, Lemke M, Cooper-Mahkorn D, Cohen MX, Brockmann H, Lenartz D, Sturm V, Schlaepfer TE.Nucleus Accumbens Deep Brain Stimulation Decreases Ratings of Depression and Anxiety in Treatment-Resistant Depression.Biol Psychiatry. 2009 Nov 13.

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