Kim Korte, Manager of the Child Life Program at Seattle Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center, talks about bringing dogs into the hospital to help kids to smile, cope, and recover.

References and Resources
Child Life Council

Hooker, S., L. Freeman, and P. Stewart. Pet therapy research: a historical review. Holist Nurs Pract. 2002;16(5):17-23.

Sobo, E., B. Eng, N. Kassity-Kritch. Canine visitation (pet) therapy: pilot data on decreases in child pain perception. J Holist Nurs. 2006;24(1):51-57.

Gagnon, J., et al. Implementing a hospital-based animal therapy program for children with cancer: a descriptive study. Can Oncol Nurs J. 2004;14(4):217-222.

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