References and Resources
Templeton R, Shared history of humans and gut bacteria: Evolutionary togetherness: coupled evolution of humans and a pathogen. Heredity. 2007;98, 337–338.
Click Here to read article.
Perry S, Sanchez M, Yang S, et al., Gastroenteritis and Transmission of Helicobacter pylori Infection in Households. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2006. Volume 12, Num 11.
Click Here to read article.
Azevedo N, Guimaraes N, Figueiredo C, A New Model for the Transmission of Helicobacter pylori: Role of Environmental Reservoirs as Gene Pools to Increase Strain Diversity. Critical Reviews in Microbiology, Volume 33, Issue 3 July 2007 , pages 157 – 169.
Click Here to read abstract.