With Pesach (Passover) just around the corner, be sure to check out this video on kosher for Passover wines. Though it is the quintessential passover wine, Manischewitz is not the only, and possibly not the best, game in town. If you’re in New York, hop on down to Casa Oliveira Wines & Liquors in the West Village for all of your kosher for passover libations, or check your local wine seller. And remember, you don’t have to be kosher to enjoy kosher wine!

For more information about kosher for Passover wine, visit Casa Oliveira Wines & Liquors in Manhattan.

For more information on where you can find kosher wines outside New York, visit
Kosher Wine.

Casa Oliveira Wines & Liquors
98 7th Avenue South
(between Bleecker & Grove Streets)
New York, NY 10014
Tel: (212) 929-0760

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